Growth Portfolio

This model seeks to allocate its assets among those stock funds, which provide the highest potential for growth.

Growth Portfolio


This model seeks to allocate its assets among those stock funds, which provide the highest potential for growth. Approximately 90% of the assets are allocated among equity securities, with a greater focus on small cap and international stocks for enhanced opportunities. Stocks have more frequent price changes than other securities and, along with the opportunity for significant gains, have the highest degree of risk.

Investor Profile: 

  • Those investors who seek an aggressive approach to wealth accumulation.
  • Those investors who seek to add diversification to their existing investment strategy.
  • Those investors who want maximum appreciation of their assets, have a high tolerance for risk, and have a long-term strategy (10+ years).

Model Portfolio Range: 

Money market 0-10%, Bond Funds 0% and stock Funds 90-100%.

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